Brigid Daniel
By the Author
Recognizing and Helping the Neglected Child
Neglect is the most common form of child abuse, but recognizing the signs, assessing the family's and the child's needs, and undertaking intervention can be…
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Child Development for Child Care and Protection Workers
Child Development for Child Care and Protection Workers is a classic text for students and practitioners in the child care and protection field which summarises…
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Making Sense of Child and Family Assessment
The application of assessment frameworks hinges on human qualities and skills which are naturally prone to bias and inconsistency. Making Sense of Child and Family…
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Safeguarding Children in Primary Health Care
Safeguarding children from harm has, until recently, been driven primarily by social work practitioners. With current shifts in child care and protection practice and policy,…
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Safeguarding Children Living with Trauma and Family Violence
Offering a systematic approach to evidence-based assessment and planning for children living with trauma and family violence, this practical book shows how to assess and…
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Safeguarding Children and Schools
Safeguarding Children and Schools explains how schools are able to contribute to keeping children safe from harm and promoting their welfare, in line with Government…
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Child Neglect
Neglect is now recognized as leading to significantly poor outcomes for children in the short and long term. It is a matter of concern for…
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Assessing and Promoting Resilience in Vulnerable Children 3 volume set
This practical resource for work with vulnerable adolescents shows ways of promoting resilience and encouraging pro-social behaviour. Discussing concerns associated with adolescence such as peer…
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This practical resource for work with vulnerable adolescents shows ways of promoting resilience and encouraging pro-social behaviour. Discussing concerns associated with adolescence such as peer…
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The Early Years
This clear and practical workbook shows the importance of encouraging resilience in pre-school children who live in challenging circumstances. Focusing on assessment of need, Brigid…
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The School Years
Helping practitioners in their work with vulnerable children of a school-going age, this workbook explores ways of nurturing resilience in different aspects of everyday life.…
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Engaging with Fathers
Fathers are often marginalised or ignored in child protection practice. This reflects an uncertainty within society as a whole about the role of fathers in…