Dr Anthony Attwood
By the Author
Energy Accounting
The world can be stressful and difficult to navigate for neurodivergent people. There is potential for chronic exhaustion and burnout from trying to cope with…
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10 Steps to Reducing Your Child’s Anxiety on the Autism Spectrum
Recognising, expressing and understanding emotions helps young children make sense of their life experiences. Children diagnosed with autism can have significant difficulties with recognising and…
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Having Fun with Feelings on the Autism Spectrum
This activity book is a helpful and creative tool for children aged 4-8 to learn and understand their emotions to help reduce anxiety. It is…
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College on the Autism Spectrum
Providing expert yet accessible guidance to parents of young autistic people who are going to college, this book helps parents support their child from application…
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Neurodiverse Relationships
Comprised of the accounts of twelve heterosexual couples in which the man is on the Autism Spectrum, this book invites both partners to discuss their…
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Contemplative Therapy for Clients on the Autism Spectrum
Drawing on the ancient tradition of contemplation, Reflective Integration Therapy™ shows how mantra meditation and reflective therapy can be used with clients with high functioning…
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Drinking, Drug Use, and Addiction in the Autism Community
What is the connection between autism and addiction? Why are individuals with autism more likely to develop a substance use disorder than the general population?…
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Robin and the White Rabbit
In this tale we meet a child sitting alone, feeling unable to join in with the other schoolchildren having fun in the playground. Feeling frustrated…
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Caught in the Web of the Criminal Justice System
Increasing numbers of people with autism and other developmental disabilities are being convicted of sex offences, resulting in draconian and public punishment. Yet even when…
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How to start, carry on and end conversations
Do you find it hard to make friends? Do you struggle to know what to say to start a conversation? In this book, Paul Jordan,…
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Sex, Drugs and Asperger’s Syndrome (ASD)
Luke Jackson's unabridged and sparkling sequel to his best-selling user guide to adolescence Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome is the must-read handbook for teenagers and…
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Exploring Depression, and Beating the Blues
For people with ASDs, depression is common, and has particular features and causes. This outstanding book provides a comprehensive review of these aspects, and an…
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Fitting In
"Everything in this book is true. You might think some things are just too unbelievable or funny or silly to be true, but every tiny…
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Life on the Autism Spectrum – A Guide for Girls and Women
Why is Autism Spectrum Disorder so misunderstood in girls and women and why do so many go under the radar without the support that they…
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I am an Aspie Girl
Lizzie is an Aspie Girl - she has Asperger's Syndrome, which means that her brain works differently to her friends, and even to boys with…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Being Tested for Asperger’s/HFA
Whether or not to seek an official diagnosis is a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Intimacy, Dating, Sex and Marriage
Intimacy, dating, sex and marriage are key daily stressors for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Understanding and Expressing Emotions
Understanding and expressing emotions is a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who…
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An Aspie’s Guide to “Faking It”
In order to survive in a Neurotypical world many Aspies feel that they need "fake it" and intentionally wear a mask and play a role…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Getting and Keeping a Job
Getting and keeping a job is a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Disclosing a Diagnosis
Disclosing a diagnosis is a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who have…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Bullying
Bullying is a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who have all been…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Living with Personal Management Issues
Personal management issues such as organization and decision-making are a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety
Anxiety is a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who have all been…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Overcoming Poor Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem is a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who have all…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Accepting and Working with Change
Change is a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who have all been…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Living with Meltdowns
Meltdowns are a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who have all been…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Overcoming Depression
Depression is a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who have all been…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Living with Sensory Issues
Sensory issues are a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who have all…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Making and Keeping Friends
Friendship problems are a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who have all…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Choosing a Career
Choosing the right career is a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this ebook is packed with advice from Aspie mentors who…
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An Aspie’s Guide to Improving Empathetic Attunement
Difficulties with feeling empathy or being perceiving to have a lack of empathy is a key daily stressor for people with Asperger's Syndrome and this…
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Pretending to be Normal
Compelling and witty, Liane Holliday Willey's account of growing to adulthood as an undiagnosed 'Aspie' has been read by thousands of people on and off…
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The Autism Spectrum, Sexuality and the Law
Based on Nick Dubin's own experience, and drawing on the extensive knowledge of Dr Tony Attwood and Dr Isabelle Hénault, this important book addresses the…
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The Autism Spectrum and Depression
For people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the stresses of coping with a world that often seems alien to them can frequently lead to depression.…
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Been There. Done That. Try This!
If you only buy one book to improve your life this year, make it this one. Temple Grandin, Liane Holliday Willey, Anita Lesko, Stephen M.…
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The Other Half of Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Does your other half have Asperger Syndrome or do you suspect that he or she is on the autism spectrum? This quick and helpful relationships…
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CBT to Help Young People with Asperger’s Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) to Understand and Express Affection
Children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are often not instinctive and intuitive in expressing their liking or love for someone, or in understanding…
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From Like to Love for Young People with Asperger’s Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
If your child rarely shows you that he or she loves you, it can be profoundly distressing. This is the experience of many parents of…
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Practical Mathematics for Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Delays
It is a common misconception that children on the autism spectrum find mathematics easy. In fact the opposite is true for some, and exposure to…
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What Is It Like to Be Me?
Join Greg, a young boy with Asperger's syndrome (AS), as he tells us all about the world as he sees and experiences it. We learn…
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Exploring Feelings for Young Children with High-Functioning Autism or Asperger’s Disorder
Young children with autism have particular difficulty in understanding and controlling their emotions, especially when those emotions are negative. This practical manual for professionals provides…
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What Men with Asperger Syndrome Want to Know About Women, Dating and Relationships
Positive, practical and realistic, this book offers a wealth of information on women, dating and relationships for men with Asperger Syndrome (AS). Many AS men…
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22 Things a Woman with Asperger’s Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know
Rudy Simone covers 22 common areas of confusion for someone dating a female with AS and includes advice from her own experience and from other…
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Autism All-Stars
Looking at the positive influences, great talents and unique thought processes of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, this book is a celebration of those who…
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Raising Martians – from Crash-landing to Leaving Home
Joshua Muggleton knows from personal experience what it is like to grow up feeling like 'a Martian marooned on planet Earth'. Now 22 and studying…
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The Partner’s Guide to Asperger Syndrome
Adults with Asperger Syndrome (AS) often have difficulties acquiring relationship skills due to the defining characteristics of the syndrome, experiences with peers during childhood and…
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Safety Skills for Asperger Women
Life with Asperger Syndrome can be a challenge at the best of times, and trials and tribulations that neurotypicals take in their stride can leave…
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Developing College Skills in Students with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome
Going to college can be a daunting prospect for any young person, but for teenagers on the autism spectrum this is especially true. This book…
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How to Make School Make Sense
Every child's education relies on a partnership between parents, professionals and, of course, the child. This book gives parents of children with Asperger syndrome (AS)…
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The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome
The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome is the definitive handbook for anyone affected by Asperger's syndrome (AS). Now including a new introduction explaining the impact…
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Asperger Syndrome – A Love Story
Open, honest and upbeat, this book gives personal insight into both the ups and downs of an Asperger relationship. Seeking to challenge the bad press…
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So Odd a Mixture
Autism was not a recognised disorder in Jane Austen's lifetime, nor for well over a century after her death. However there were certainly people who…
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Alone Together
Communication is one of the biggest challenges faced by people with Asperger's Syndrome (AS), yet an Asperger marriage requires communication more than any other relationship.…
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Acting Antics
This fun and inspiring step-by-step program provides the full set of tools for developing social understanding in children with Asperger Syndrome (AS) through drama. Cindy…
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Understanding the Nature of Autism and Asperger’s Disorder
Edward R. Ritvo md is an internationally recognized medical expert, researcher and pioneer in the field of autism and Asperger's disorder and co-author of the…
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Asperger’s Syndrome and Sexuality
Playing the dating game is often tricky: all the more so for individuals with Asperger's Syndrome. How do AS adolescents and their families cope with…
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Teaching Children with Autism and Related Spectrum Disorders
Based on twenty-five years of teaching and working with children who have Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), Christy L. Magnusen contends that it is those teachers…
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Making it a Success
Providing easy to follow, proven strategies for common teaching challenges, Making it a Success is a user-friendly resource to help teachers and teaching assistants effectively…
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Help for the Child with Asperger’s Syndrome
Parents of children diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome frequently find themselves embarking on an exhausting and disheartening hunt for the services and interventions that their child…
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Asperger Syndrome and Adults… Is Anyone Listening?
This short book, a collection of essays and poems, looks at the loneliness, frustration and sadness experienced, not by the person with the syndrome, but…
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Asperger’s Syndrome DVD
In this new DVD, Tony Attwood goes into depth on three important issues; Anger management, teaching teachers, and teenage issues. Readers of his book will…
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An Asperger Marriage
Chris and Gisela have been partners for twelve years. Four years ago Chris was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. For Chris, this was an explanation of…
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Hitchhiking through Asperger Syndrome
Written from a parent's perspective, this book gives a candid and thoughtful account of one family's trek through the world of Asperger Syndrome. The author…
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Lucy’s Story
Born with Autism, Lucy could not understand much of what was said around her. Her own language came later from newspapers and books. She created…
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Our Journey Through High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome
For the families who have contributed to this book, living with autism spectrum disorders has been a journey of self-discovery. With honesty and humor, they…
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Asperger’s Syndrome – Crossing the Bridge
One of the world's leading authorities on Asperger's Syndrome, Dr. Tony Attwood, interviews Dr. Liane Holliday Willey as they discuss her life-time experiences, struggles, and…
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Asperger Syndrome Employment Workbook
This book is an excellent guide for human resource personnel who can tap unto pool of dedicated workers. Overall this is a good book for…
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Eating an Artichoke
During a routine parent-teacher conference in November 1991, Echo Fling was told by her son's teacher that his behaviour in class was `not normal'. After…
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Asperger’s Syndrome
Tony Attwood's guide will assist parents and professionals with the identification, treatment and care of both children and adults with Asperger's Syndrome. The book provides…