By the Author
your name. Another Side:Earthbound (light novel)
During the events of your name., Mitsuha and Taki's miraculous encounter forever changed their lives and the fates of everyone in the tiny mountain village…
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Murciélago, Vol. 3
As a former mass murderer, Kuroko Koumori knows a thing or two about how killers think. A string of deaths points straight to an ex-con-turned-business…
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High School DxD, Vol. 9
Summer's here, and before anyone knows it, the rating game between the Gremory and Sitri houses is scheduled to take place in the devil realm!…
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The Devil Is a Part-Timer!, Vol. 8 (light novel)
For the Hero, whose mission is to slay the Devil King, Emilia Justina appears to have gone soft. She travels to Ente Isla with Alas…
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Blood Lad, Vol. 9
It all comes down to this--two insanely powerful hybrids duking it out for the fate of the Demon World. Herrschaft Grimm, the first king of…
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Delicious in Dungeon, Vol. 2
With the possibility of starvation as a constant companion, Laios's party continues advancing deeper into the dungeon. The adventurers have made it to the third…
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Twinkle Stars, Vol. 3
It's the day of the fireworks display, and Chihiro's come down with a fever! At Saki's recommendation, a worried Sakuya decides to visit him at…
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Kagerou Daze, Vol. 7 (light novel)
Now you see her, now you don't!As a child, Tsubomi Kido rarely spoke. Just as she starts to find herself, with help from her older…
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Durarara!!, Vol. 7 (light novel)
"I'm not doing anything. All the Dollars did that together..."The holiday isn't over yet. The day after Izaya was stabbed, the scars of the recent…
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Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 11
Syura's secret police capture Tatsumi and Lubbock during their reconnaissance mission! Tatsumi comes face-to-face with General Esdeath once more, but will they join forces? And…