Jennifer Shannon
By the Author
The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook for Teens, Second Edition
The essential go-to workbook for shy and socially anxious teens-now fully revised and updated with skills for dealing with social media anxiety and "social perfectionism."…
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The Monkey Mind Workout for Perfectionism
A 30-day cognitive workout to help you cultivate self-acceptance, resilience, and the "mental muscle" needed to thrive in an imperfect world! Do you hold yourself-and…
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A Teen’s Guide to Getting Stuff Done
Do you procrastinate? And if so, what's your procrastination type? In this fun and illustrated guide, author Jennifer Shannon blends acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)…
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Don’t Feed the Monkey Mind
The very things we do to control anxiety can make anxiety worse. This unique guide offers a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based approach to help you…
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Anxiety Survival Guide for Teens
If you have anxiety, your fears and worries can keep you from feeling confident and independent. Teen milestones such as making friends, dating, getting good…