Kim S. Golding
By the Author
Working with Relational Trauma in Children’s Residential Care
Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) is a therapeutic approach, based in attachment theory, which is used to support children who have experienced relational trauma. By consciously…
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Child Trauma and Attachment in Common Sense and Doodles – Second Edition
Trauma and attachment are commonly used terms, but are complex concepts. 'Trauma' refers to negative experiences that cause us to fear for our safety, whilst…
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A Tiny Spark of Hope
I could not ignore the tiny spark of hope that whispered to me that there might be someone with whom I could be vulnerable and…
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My Intense Emotions Handbook
This is a guide to the emotional and interpersonal issues you may encounter as a young adult, packed with advice and real-life stories of hope…
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Working with Relational Trauma in Schools
Written by experienced clinicians, this book provides an exploration of how educators can easily use Dyadic Developmental Practice (DDP) to help vulnerable pupils to thrive.…
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Everyday Parenting with Security and Love
Children who have experienced trauma, loss or separation early in life need more than just special care and attention; they need to be parented with…
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Foundations for Attachment Training Resource
Foundations for Attachment Training Resource is a six-session programme to help parents and carers to nurture attachments with their child. It is designed specifically for…
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Observing Adolescents with Attachment Difficulties in Educational Settings
This easy-to-use tool provides an observation checklist which enables staff to identify behavioural patterns in children with social and emotional difficulties, analyse the underlying emotional…
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Using Stories to Build Bridges with Traumatized Children
Using Stories to Build Bridges with Traumatized Children is full of creative ideas for how you can use stories therapeutically with children in counselling, life…
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Facilitating Meaningful Contact in Adoption and Fostering
Most children who are fostered or adopted have some level of contact with their birth family -- whether face-to-face or by letter -- yet most…
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Nurturing Attachments Training Resource
Nurturing Attachments Training Resource is a complete group-work programme containing everything you need to run training and support sessions for adoptive parents and foster or…
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Observing Children with Attachment Difficulties in School
Emotional difficulties in children aged 5-11 can display themselves in a range of different behaviours, and it is important for staff in schools to be…
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Observing Children with Attachment Difficulties in Preschool Settings
For preschool children with emotional difficulties arising from difficulties in attachment, standard observations used in early years settings are not always helpful in identifying their…
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Creating Loving Attachments
All children need love, but for troubled children, a loving home is not always enough. Children who have experienced trauma need to be parented in…
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Nurturing Attachments
Nurturing Attachments combines the experience and wisdom of parents and carers with that of professionals to provide support and practical guidance for foster and adoptive…