Margaret Cullen
Margaret Cullen, MA, MFT, is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a certified mindfulness based stress reduction teacher. She has also trained with Zindel Segal in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT). For twenty years she has been teaching and pioneering mindfulness programs in a variety of settings, including cancer support, HIV support, physician groups, executive groups, and obesity support. For ten years she has been involved in teaching and writing curricula for several research programs at University of California, San Francisco, including “Cultivating Emotional Balance,” designed for teachers, and “Craving and Lifestyle Management with Meditation,” for overweight women. In 2008 she launched a mindfulness-based emotional balance program for teachers and school administrators in Denver, CO; Boulder, CO; Ann Arbor, MI; and Vancouver, BC. She has also been a facilitator of support groups for cancer patients and their loved ones for twenty years at the Cancer Support Community, and is currently a senior teacher at the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University, where she coauthored the Compassion Cultivation training manual.
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