Nigel Hartley
Nigel Hartley has worked in End-of-Life Care for almost 30 years, between 2003 and 2015 as Director of Supportive Care at the St Christopher’s Group, London where he was responsible for transforming day and outpatient services, developing volunteers and also leading on Community Engagement. He previously held posts at London Lighthouse, a Centre for those living with HIV/AIDS, and also at Sir Michael Sobell House Hospice in Oxford. He has a postgraduate qualification in management from Ashridge Business School, England and has an international reputation as a teacher and lecturer. Nigel also sits on the Editorial Board of the journal ‘Mortality’ – which promotes the interdisciplinary study of death and dying. He is a Visiting Academic at the University of Southampton and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He is currently Chief Executive Officer at Earl Mountbatten Hospice on the Isle of Wight in the South of England.
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