Ryan Wheatcroft
By the Author
Me and My World: Being Safe
This book is an ideal resource for exploring and discussing safety and includes topics such as stranger danger, staying safe outdoors, keeping your body safe,…
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Me and My World: My Friends
This book is an ideal resource for exploring and discussing friendship relationships, exploring topics such as making friends, falling out, bullying, peer pressure, allyship, changing…
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Me and My World: My Behaviour
This book is an ideal resource for exploring and discussing what is good behaviour and includes topics such as respect, behaviour in different places (at…
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Me and My World: Life Online
This book is an ideal resource for exploring and discussing online safety and includes topics such as using search engines, playing online games, cyber bullying,…
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Me and My World: My Family
This book is an ideal resource for exploring and discussing different sorts of families and includes topics such as family life, siblings, family trees, adoption,…
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Me and My World: My Growing Body
This book is an ideal resource for exploring and discussing the human life cycle and is a great first introduction to changes to the body,…
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Heroes Who Help Us From Around the World
Nurture a child's natural curiosity with this quirky book about the jobs people do, which won the SLA Information Book Award 2020, for age 7…
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Healthy Me: Resting and Sleeping
Engaging, illustrated titles that introduce key health issues to young readers. How much sleep do I need? What happens when I sleep? Why do I…
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Healthy Me: Keeping Safe
Why should I wear a helmet when cycling? How do I cross the road safely? How do I stay safe online? What should I do…
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Reading Champion: The Prince and the Pea
This story is part of Reading Champion, a series carefully linked to book bands to encourage independent reading skills, developed with Dr Sue Bodman and…
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Healthy Me: Keeping Clean
Why do I have to wash? What's wrong with biting my nails? Why can't I pick my nose? Why can't I wear the same socks…
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Healthy Me: Exercise and Play
Why do I have to exercise? Why is it fun to play? The answers to these and many other questions about exercise and play can…
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Healthy Me: Eating Well
Why should I eat fruit and vegetables? What's wrong with chocolate and crisps? What are proteins and carbohydrates? The answers to these and many other…
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Healthy Me: Mental Well-being and Mindfulness
You can't see mental wellbeing but you can feel it. Your mental wellbeing is all about how you think and feel. Some people call it…