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Paperback / ISBN-13: 9781849017114

Price: £9.99

ON SALE: 25th July 2011

Genre: Fiction & Related Items / Crime & Mystery

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Daisy discovers fresh blood in a tower infamous through history for dark deeds…

Now the mother of two-month-old twins, Daisy decides to resume her journalistic career by writing a piece for a new magazine on the Tower of London. On her visit she’s not only given a tour of the Crown Jewels, she’s also introduced to the Raven Master and the Yeoman Warders – and most importantly, she’s been invited to attend the Ceremony of the Keys ritual, which involves spending the night in the haunted Bloody Tower.

Having survived the night, Daisy can’t wait to get away the next morning and in her eagerness to leave, trips over the body of a yeoman warder. Daisy instantly realises that this is murder most foul on account of the halberd sticking out of his back. And with her husband assigned to investigate the case, Daisy one again finds herself enmeshed in a case of an unexplained murder at the Tower…

Praise for the Daisy Dalrymple series:

‘Cunning… appropriate historical detail and witty dialogue are the finishing touches on this engaging 1920s period piece.’ Publishers Weekly

‘As always, Dunn evokes the life and times of 1920s England while providing a plot that is a cut above the average British cosy. This will delight readers who love country-house mysteries.’ Booklist

‘For fans of Dorothy L. Sayers’ novels’ Library Journal