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Red Zone, Blue Zone

Paperback / ISBN-13: 9781939629630

Price: £13.99

ON SALE: 7th April 2015

Genre: Economics, Finance, Business & Management

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Most of us fear and dread conflict, at home or at work. But conflict can be your ally, not your enemy. Conflict doesn’t have to tear your family or organization apart.Using the story of a family business leader embroiled in generational conflict, Red Zone, Blue Zone shows how to navigate conflict in a way that is healthy and leads to enhanced relationships, self-awareness, and greater leadership success. Practical response activities and personal reflection questions help the reader understand the sources of conflict, have a working command of conflict navigation principles, and be equipped to help others navigate conflict in their own lives.In Red Zone, Blue Zone readers will learn skills such as: ·Questioning ·Listening ·Pacing ·Reframing