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Paperback / ISBN-13: 9781853023392

Price: £27.99

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In this volume which updates and replaces Day Services for People with Mental Handicaps, Day Services for People with Severe Handicaps and Towards Independent Living, case studies are presented to illustrate the functioning of community care to provide services for people with learning difficulties/disabilities and with intellectual and multiple disabilities. Further chapters give consideration to the issues concerned with the promotion of independent living.
This new updated volume will cover many of the issues introduced in the previous editions, whilst also examining practice in the light of the impact of the new community care legislation on service provision. The book will be of especial interest to social workers, students of social work, and to residential day care and support staff and their trainers.


The main strength of the book and the way it works best is by the study and discussion questions it poses at the end of each case study - they are very useful as a mean of helping staff be responsible for individual programmes.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
Using case studies over an extended period of eleven years makes each chapter vivid and retains the reader's interest. It is well written, well presented and because of the longitudinal approach in its case studies is especially interesting and informative. It also combines theory, conceptual discussion, practice issues and pragmatic advice well.
Issues in Social Work Education
[This book] uses an extensive range of case studies to examine 1980s day services from the standpoint of people with learning difficulties and their families. The material captures a depressing, but telling snapshot of lives devoid of social contact outside the family or day centre, and of a shocking lack of opportunities for appropriate and meaningful activities.
Community Care

Case Studies for Practice