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Hardcover / ISBN-13: 9781782063360

Price: £20

ON SALE: 5th June 2014

Genre: Fiction & Related Items / Fantasy

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In this epic new entry to The Valhalla Saga, blood will be spilled, bonds will be tested and long-buried secrets will be revealed . . .

Ulfar Thormodsson and Audun Arngrimsson survived the battle for Stenvik, although at huge cost. They have suffered much worse than heartbreak: they have lost the very thing that made them human. Their mortality.
While Ulfar heads home, looking for the place where he thinks he will be safe, Audun runs south. But both men are about to discover that they cannot run away from themselves. King Olav has left the conquered town of Stenvik in the hands of his lieutenant so he can journey north, following Valgard in the search for the source of the Vikings’ power.

And all the while older beings watch and wait, biding their time. There are secrets yet to be discovered . . .

‘Fans of David Gemmell’s work should feel right at home with this one’ Starburst Magazine


A frenetically fast fantasy novel ... which due to its originality easily rises above the crowd
Fans of David Gemmell's work should feel right at home with this one
Starburst Magazine
With Blood Will Follow Snorri Kristjansson has really outdone himself . . . Bring on the next, I am hooked
Book Plank
Kristjansson delivers another gripping read, proving he knows how to weave a tale that will enthrall his readers
A Fantastical Librarian
A perfect middle book for a trilogy . . . These books are really rather spiffing and do indeed make Vikings seem like real men and not just a part of history that you learn about in school
Book Geek Says